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Hendrik Puschmann

Hendrik Puschmann
Imię i nazwisko

Hendrik Puschmann

Stopień naukowy
LL.B. (Hons), M.A. (Hons), M.Phil.
Solicitor-Advocate (Anglia i Walia) Rechtsanwalt (Niemcy) Solicitor (Irlandia, Irlandia Północna) Registered Practitioner, DIFC Courts (Dubai) Tłumacz przysięgły (angielski / niemiecki)

Wielka Brytania

  • Angielski
  • Niemiecki
  • Polski
  • Rosyjski
  • Arbitraż międzynarodowy
  • Fuzje i przejęcia
  • Prawo bankowe
  • Prawo budowlane
  • Prawo handlowe i umowy handlowe
Rok urodzenia





Wielka Brytania


Partner, Farrer & Co (Londyn)

Fellow, Green Templeton College na Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim

Fellow, Clare Hall na Uniwersytecie Cambridge

Gościnny wykładowca prawa międzynarodowego i handlu na Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Członek akademickiej rady doradczej, Institute of Applied Business Law, Nordakademie Hamburg

Regularny recenzent książek arbitrażowych, Oxford University Press

K&L Gates (Londyn i Frankfurt) 2015-2017

White & Case (Londyn, Moskwa i Berlin) 2008-2015

Marie-Curie Research Fellow, Center of International Studies, University of Cambridge, 2004-2006

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego, niemieckiego i politologii, Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Rtm. Witolda Pileckiego w Wojkowicach, 2003-2004


Butterworths Handbook of the LMAA Terms. London: LexisNexis Butterworths, under contract (with James Clanchy)
Butterworths Challenges in Arbitration: Challenges Against Arbitrators, Awards and Enforcement in England and Wales London: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2019 (editor and principal author)
Ostatnie publikacje (z ostatnich 5 lat):
“ICSID Arbitration Clauses in Contracts: Time for a Revival?” in Maren Heidemann and Joseph Lee (eds), The Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform. Berlin: Springer, 2018, pp. 389-405 (with Andreas Geroldinger)
Multi-Contract References under the LCIA Rules: Case Closed?” [2018] Int. A.L.R. 2, pp. 37-45 (with Andreas Geroldinger)
„Arbitration of Trust and Foundation Disputes in Liechtenstein and England: A Comparative Analysis”, Trusts & Trustees, Oxford University Press, Vol. 24, Issue 4 (2018) pp. 418-426 (with Michael Nueber)
”Notes on the Cultural Dimension of International Commercial Arbitration”, SAR vol. 5 issue 1, March 2016, pp. 29-35 (with Ian Meredith)
Publikacje prawne (z ostatnich 5 lat):
“Arbitral Awards – Types and Requirements”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2020
“Achmea – The Final Instalment”, Lexis®PSL Case Note, 21 February 2019 (with Andreas Geroldinger)
„Arbitration Act 1996: Challenging Jurisdiction Pre-Award”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2018 (with Will Charrington)
„Court of Justice Finds Intra-EU BITs Incompatible with EU Law (Slovak Republic v Achmea)”, Lexis®PSL Case Note, 20 March 2018 (with Andreas Geroldinger)
„Court of Justice’s Advocate-General: Intra-EU BIT Award Compatible with EU Law (Slovak Republic v Achmea)”, Lexis®PSL Case Note, 29 September 2017
“Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Germany”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2017 (with Tobias Kopp)
“State Immunity in Germany”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2017 (with Tobias Kopp)
“Separability of Arbitration Agreements”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2017 (with Clarissa Coleman)
“The UNCITRAL Rules: An Overview”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2017 (with Peter Morton)
„Court of Justice to Decide whether Intra-EU BITs Compatible with EU Law (Slovak Republic v Achmea)”, Lexis®PSL Case Note, 27 May 2016
“Non-Damages Remedies in International Arbitration”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2016 (with Ian Meredith)
“Challenging the Tribunal’s Jurisdiction and Anti-Suit Injunctions in Germany”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2016 (with Johann von Pachelbel)
Interim Measures in Support of Arbitration in Germany”, Lexis®PSL Practice Note, 2016 (with Johann von Pachelbel)

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