Miloš Olik

Miloš Olik
Stopień naukowyJUDr., Ing, LL.M., Ph.D., FCIArb
Uprawnieniaradca prawny
Język- Angielski
- Czeski
- Słowacki
- Rosyjski
- Arbitraż międzynarodowy
- Prawo budowlane
KarieraROWAN LEGAL, 2006 – present, attorney-at-law and partner
Holec & Partners; Fiala, Profous, Maisner & spol., 2002 – 2005, junior associate
Regular appointments as arbitrator from 2010 (more than 175 arbitrations)
Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk M., Halfar, F., E-hearings in arbitration, EPRAVO, 27.5.2020
Olík, M., After the coronacrisis, international arbitrations could accelerate. Rowan Legal wants „e-hearings” in the Czech Republic, INFO.CZ, 8.6. 2020
Olík, M., Čáp, M., Heyduk, J.: Investment Arbitration in the Czech Republic, in Investment Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe, Law and Practice, Elgar Arbitration Law and Practice series, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, 2019
Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk, M., Czech arbitration under the ICC Rules: the obligation to attach arbitration rules to the arbitration agreement, Soukromé právo 7-8/2019, Wolters Kluwer a.s., Prague, 2019
Horáček, T., Svatoš, M., Olík, M., Act on Mediation. Commentary, 1st edition, Prague: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2019
Olík, M.: ICCA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, National Report for the Czech Republic, Kluwer Law International, 2018
Olík, M., Maisner, M., Pokorný, R., Málek, P., Janoušek, M., The Law on Arbitration Proceedings and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, Commentary (2nd edition), Prague, Wolters Kluwer, Inc., 2017
Olík, M., Čáp, M., The new ICC arbitration rules aim to speed up and reduce costs of dispute under the ICC, EPRAVO.CZ, 2017
Olík. M., Čáp M., New EU Regulation establishing European Account Preservation will help Creditors, Právní rádce (Economia), January, 2017
Olík. M., Čáp M., End of Arbitration proceedings between consumers and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic, Právní rádce (Economia), November, 2016
Olík. M., Čáp M., Mediation and big law firms: What is mediation, what are its advantages and why offer it to clients?, EPRAVO.CZ Digital, September, 2016
Olík, M., Šubrt, M., Penalty reduction of insurance benefits for non-life insurance, EPRAVO.CZ, 2016
Olík, M., Case Notes – Court of Justice of the European Union to Rule on the Compatibility of intra-EU BITs with EU law in Achmea B.V. vs. the Slovak Republic, Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, the Czech Society for International Law, Prague, 2016
Olík, M., Čáp, M., Comparison of Settlement Efforts by Arbitrators and Mediators, in (2016) 82 Arbitration cases. The International Journal
Mičinský, Ľ., Olík, M., New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Commentary), Wolters Kluwer, Bratislava, 2016
Olík, M., Maisner, M., Pokorný, R., Málek, P., Janoušek, M., The Law on Arbitration Proceedings and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, Commentary, Prague, Wolters Kluwer, Inc., 2015
Olík, M., Proceedings Before the Arbitration Committee of Sports League, in Pichrt, J. (ed.) and Sports (not only) labour law. Prague, Wolters Kluwer, 2014
Olík, M., Heřmánková, G., The importance of the Referee Commission’s findings is rising, Právní rádce 9/2014
Olík, M., Jahodníková, Z., And Never the Twain Shall Meet: Parallel Arbitral and Court Proceedings Within the Sphere of International Investment Arbitration, in the Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, the Czech Society for International Law, Prague, 2014
Maisner, M., Olík, M., ICCA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, National Report for the Czech Republic, Kluwer Law International, 2014
Olík, M., Maisner, M., Mediation 2014 – the chapter for the Czech Republic. Law Business Research, 2013