Calculating Damages in IT Disputes: A Practical Guide from Lawyer and Financial Advisor
Damages that occur from the non-performance or improper performance of IT projects are difficult to prove and are even more difficult to calculate. Often, damages in an IT project are not visible to the naked eye. This means that particular care must be taken to collect and document evidence to provide a basis for calculating the value of these damages.
During our event, we will answer questions regarding preparing convincing evidence and calculations necessary to support a claim, along with what to do before initiating a dispute. Our experts will also explain what lawyers pay attention to and what analysts look at when examining evidence to demonstrate the amount of damages.
Date: 5 December 2023, 9:30-11:00
Location: Sąd Arbitrażowy przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej w Warszawie (ul. Trębacka 4)