Bohuslav Klein

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Bohuslav Klein
Stopień naukowydr
Język- Angielski
- Czeski
- Francuski
- Niemiecki
- Rosyjski
- Prawo administracyjne
- Prawo własności intelektualnej
KarieraCzechoslovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Prague, 1976-1990; Legal consultant, 1976-1979; Head of Legal Consultations Department, 1979-1982; Director of the Legal Services (General Legal Counsel), 1982-1990.
Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1986, The Netherlands; Act on the Enterprise with Foreign Property Participation (English, German, French, Czech version), 1989, Prague; Monthly articles in the magazine Foreign Trade, Prague, 1989-1997; Joint Ventures with Foreign Partners, Prague, 1995; Joint Stock Company, Prague, 2001.