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„Supplementary rules for third-party notices in arbitration – German remedy needed/fit for Polish arbitration too?” 22 May 2024

Data publikacji: 10 maja 2024

Mark your calendars – Wednesday, 22 May 2024; 5:00 – 6:30 PM

Sąd Arbitrażowy przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej w Warszawie/Court of Arbitration at the PCC together with Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) German Arbitration Institute and Sąd Arbitrażowy przy Konfederacji Lewiatan/Lewiatan Court of Arbitration would like to invite you to participate in discussion on “Supplementary rules for third-party notices in arbitration – German remedy needed/fit for Polish arbitration too?”
Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) German Arbitration Institute introduced on 15 March 2024 its supplementary rules for third-party notices (DIS-TPNR) to fill a gap in arbitration proceedings to allow to involve third parties to bind them in future proceedings to fact findings in an arbitration award.
For example, a general contractor can use a third-party notice to avoid losing out to its employer in a legal dispute but not being able to take recourse against its subcontractor because the same issues are decided differently in the recourse proceedings. The need for such rules is therefore significant.
The DIS-TPNR follow the third-party notice model known from the German Code of Civil Procedure (Sections 72 et seqq.) preventing contradictory decisions and promoting both procedural economy and legal consistency. In that sense in its core is a minimally invasive approach by limiting the third party’s role to supporting the party issuing the third-party notice as an intervener.

Together with our panelists we will explore how this solution tailored to the German procedural setting as a response to the arbitration users’ needs and expectations might answer some of the Polish procedural issues, if any.

Aleksandra Orzeł-Jakubowska (White & Case LLP) Warsaw, Poland

Christian Borris (Borris Hennecke Kneisel) Cologne, Germany
Michał Kocur (Kocur & Partners) Warsaw, Poland
Katarzyna Michałowska (Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak) Warsaw, Poland
Christina Cathey Schuetz (Clifford Chance) London, UK

Sąd Arbitrażowy przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej w Warszawie/Court of Arbitration at the PCC, ul. Trębacka 4; 00-074 Warszawa

The panel discussion will take place in place English with no simultaneous translation.

Registration link.

Space at the event is limited, so early registration is recommended.