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Marek Maksymilian Topór

Marek Maksymilian Topór
Name and surname

Marek Maksymilian Topór

PhD in Business Law (UJ), MSc in Engineering (AGH)
Professional titles


  • English
  • Polish
  • Business law
  • Construction law
Year of birth







Advocate and consulting engineer based in Warsaw. Since 2013 he has been cooperating with Kubas Kos Gałkowski – a Krakow-based law firm. He simultaneously conducts academic activity, namely since 2012 he is associated with the Department of Private Economic Law at the Jagiellonian University. Conducted scholarly research in Durban, Saint Petersburg, and Moscow. He has defended his PhD thesis on “Multi-tier arbitration clauses as tools for dispute resolution” at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.


“E-financial statements are first stage of digital revolution in Polish corporate law”; International Law Office 2019; available at: https://www.internationallawoffice.com/,

“The Problem of Regulating the Information Flow in a Holding”; Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 2019/3, pp. 40-52;

“The Influence of Joint Participation in Proceedings on the Arbitration Clause. Commentary on Supreme Court Resolution of 24 February 2005, III CZP 86/04”; Glosa 2019/1; pp. 41-54;

“Statutory limitations of claims periods excluded from public order”; International Law Office 2018; (together with Rafał Kos, PhD); available at: https://www.internationallawoffice.com/;

“Poland – the most important Supreme Court Judgments on arbitration in 2017”; Czech (&Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration 2018, pp. 391-402;

The problem of legal effects of non-compliance with pre-arbitration stages of FIDIC’s multi-tiered arbitration clause”; Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 2016/11, pp. 17-26;

“Arbitration as a method of disputes resolution in the construction sector in light of the FIDIC forms of contract”; Warsaw 2013; pp. 577-599;

“Management Board in Professional Partnership – the problems of current regulation”; Krakow 2013, pp. 10-29.

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