Paolo Marzolini
Paolo Marzolini
Degree2010 - Graduated Swiss Arbitration Academy, Geneva/Zurich; 2002 - Graduated "Universita degli Studi", Pavia (Italy); 2001 - Universite de Paris 1 ("Pantheon- Sorbonne"), Institute of International and Comparative Law, International Litigation and Arbitration organised by Cornell University, Paris
Professional titlesAttorney-at-law
Languages- English
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Capital markets and stock exchange
- Civil law and civil contracts
- Commercial law and commercial contracts
- Company law
- Competition law (antitrust)
- Construction law
- Distribution agreements and franchising
- Energy law and raw materials
- European law
- Finance
- Infrastructure projects
- Insurance law and liability for damages
- Intellectual property law
- International arbitration
- International commercial law and international commercial contracts
- International investment arbitration
- Investment arbitration
- Investment projects
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Pharmaceutical law
- Risk management
- Securities
- Sports law
- Telecommunications and IT law
CareerJan. 2014 – : Partner with PATOCCHI&MARZOLINI, Geneva
Jan. 2020 – : Member of the Court of the Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution
2013 – : Member of the Advisory Board of Arblt Italian Forum for Arbitration and ADR (former Co-chair, 2015-2016)
Mar. 2007 – Dec. 2013: Associate (and subsequently Senior Associate) with Lenz&Staehelin, Geneva office, involved in several arbitration proceedings as counsel and arbitrator, Geneva
Jan. 2012 – Jul. 2012: Associate (Secondee) with Debevoise&Plimpton, LLP London office; member of the International Dispute Team headed by Lord Goldsmith QC, London
Sept. 2005 – Feb. 2007: Head Counsel at the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan in charge of administering over 150 arbitration proceedings (domestic as well as international), Milan
Aug. 2003 – Aug. 2005: Counsel at the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, Milan
May 2004: Member of the Committee “Contratti – tipo” of the Milan Chamber of Commerce, Milan
Jul. 2002 – Jul. 2004: Assistant to Prof. Elisabetta Silvestri, Universita degli Studi Pavia, Comparative civil procedure and (Italian) civil procedure, Pavia
The Efficient Conduct of the Arbitration Proceedings and the “New” Role of Arbitrators: A Challenging Journey Through Promises and Expectations, in: CHEN/JANSSEN (Eds.), Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and World, Cham 2020, 111-129.
Switching Hats or the Complex Relation Between the Roles of Arbitrator and Mediator Seen Through the Prism of Successful Case, NYSBA New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Fall 2019, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2019, 37-40.
(co-author: D. Durante), Legittimita del Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport: game, set, match? La recente giurisprudenza del Tribunale federale svizzero e della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo, Rivista dell’arbitrato, 4, 2018, 655-677.
Counsel Ethics in International Arbitration: Is There Any Need for Regulation?, Indian Journal of Arbitration Law, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2018, 124-132.
(co-author: P.M. Patocchi), La deroga convenzionale della giurisdizione in favore dell’arbitrato, in: BENEDETTELLI/CONSOLO/RADICATI DI BROZOLO (Eds.), Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato nazionale ed internazionale, 2nd ed., Milan 2017, 715-792.
7th Annual Conference, Counsel Ethics in International Arbitration: Enough or More Regulation, Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, Milan, 25th November 2016, Conference review, in: Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 4, Paris 2016, 1072-1076.
The Arbitrator as a Dispute Manager – The Exercise of the Arbitrator’s Powers to Act as Settlement Facilitator, in: BAIZEAU/SPOORENBERG (Eds.), The Arbitrators’ Initiative: When, Why and How Should It Be Used, ASA Special Series No. 45, Huntington 2016, 99-119.
Gathering and Presentation of Evidence in Construction Disputes, in: IUDICA (Ed.), Construction Contract, Arbitration and ADR, Naples 2015, 83-100.
Is the Parties’ Consent Still an Overriding Principle for Joinder and Intervention of Third Parties in International Commercial Arbitration?, in: Swiss Arbitration Academy Series on International Arbitration, Vol. 2., Selected Papers on International Arbitration, Berne 2012, 105-137.
(co-author: P.M. PATOCCHI), I terzi ed il procedimento arbitrale nella prospettiva internazionale, Rivista dell’arbitrato, 4, 2012, 783-798.
(co-author: P.M. Patocchi), Commentary on Articles 22, 23 and 24 of the Arbitration Rules of the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, in: DRAETTA/LUZZATTO (Eds.), The Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary, Huntington 2012, 305-382.
The Involvement of States and State-owned Entities in International Arbitration – The International Conventions and Swiss Perspectives, Revista Romana de Arbitraj, 2, 2012, 27-37.
Problemi in tema di tutela giudiziale antitrust (art. 33, 2 co., L.10.10.1990 n. 287), in: La Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata, 2007, 168-186.
(co-author: C. Roncarolo), La convenzione arbitrale dopo la riforma del diritto societario. Alcuni spunti pratici, in: FederNotizie, organo della Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni Sindacali Notarili, 2004, 110 et seq.