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Adelina Prokop

Adelina Prokop
Name and surname

Adelina Prokop

Master of law
Professional titles


  • Polish
  • English
  • Bulgarian
  • Banking law
  • Competition law (antitrust)
  • International arbitration
  • International commercial law and international commercial contracts
  • Investment arbitration





Since 2022 – partner in the Clifford Chance Warsaw Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department

2020 -2022 – counsel in the Clifford Chance Warsaw Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department

2010 – joined Clifford Chance


Co-author of “EU Investment Protection Law“, C.H. Beck 2022

Co-author of a publication “ICSID Rules 2022 Promote Efficiency in Investor-State Arbitration and Mediation“, Clifford Chance 2022

Co-author of a publication “European Court of Justice rules on investor-State arbitration under an intra-EU BIT“, Clifford Chance 2022

Co-author of a publication “Unilateral option clauses in arbitration agreements”, International Law Office, 2015

Co-author of a publication “Failure to hear evidence as grounds for setting aside an arbitral award“, International Law Office, 2014

Co-author of a publication “Supreme Court rules on independence of affiliated arbitration courts“, International Law Office, 2013

New UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in Force in Kuala Lumpur, Arbitration e-Review 2010, Iss. 3;

Lack of Inconsistency as a Third Type of Rulings in the Proceedings before the Constitutional Tribunal”, Legal Studies, Quarterly Journal of the Institute of Law Studies of Polish Academy Of Sciences 2009, Iss. 4;

The Judiciary and the Parliamentary Sovereignty in the Light of the Constitutional Reforms in the United Kingdom”, University of Warsaw Law Review, Year VIII 2009, Iss. 1-2;

Contractual Implications of Regulatory Breaches”, 1st place in the Regional Student Essay Competition Allen & Overy 2010

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