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Karl Pörnbacher

Karl Pörnbacher
Name and surname

Karl Pörnbacher

Professional titles


  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Polish
  • Commercial law and commercial contracts
  • Construction law
  • Insurance law and liability for damages
  • International arbitration
  • International commercial law and international commercial contracts
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Pharmaceutical law
  • Sports law
  • Telecommunications and IT law





Karl advises and represents clients in national and international arbitration proceedings, commercial litigation and other ADR proceedings(mediation, adjudication). His experience covers disputes in connection with energy projects, corporate and M&A, insurance and reinsurance, white-collar crime and general commercial relationships. Furthermore, he is regularly appointed as an arbitrator in corporate and energy project related disputes. On the legal market Karl is known as ‘frequently recommended lawyer for Dispute Resolution’, (‘unbelievably efficient and competent assistance’, client: ‘constructive and very well-balanced’, competitor; JUVE Handbook 2009/10), who enjoys ‘a stellar reputation for international arbitration, ‘both as counsel and arbitrator, and particularly in the energy and construction sectors’. (Chambers and Partners Global 2010) From 2000-2003 Karl worked in Lovells’ Warsaw office. Due to his specific experience he is frequently involved in cross-border disputes involving Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries.


‘-Costs in International Arbitration, Contribution to Practicionees Handbook on Arbitration edited by the Munich Arbitration Circle, 2008 -Arbitration in Germany, The European and Middle Eastern Arbitration Review 2009 – a Global Arbitration Review special report (co-authors: Robert Hunter, Hogan Lovells Frankfurt and Daniel Busse, Allen&Overy Frankfurt) -Contribution to a commentary in Buelow-Boeckstiegel-Geimer-Schuetze on the Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters (published in spring 2005) -Kostenentscheidungen und Kompetenz des Schiedsgerichts -Probleme aus der Praxis, SchiedsVZ 2007, Heft 6, 295-300 (co-author: Sophie Thiel) -Kostensicherheit im Schiedsrecht, SchiedsVZ 2010, 14 (co-author: Sophie Thiel)

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