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Paulina Bednarz

Paulina Bednarz
Name and surname

Paulina Bednarz

Professional titles
MSc Political Science, MBA (HR)


  • English
  • Polish
  • Administrative law
  • Advertising and media law
  • Banking law
  • Business law
  • Commercial law and commercial contracts
  • Competition law (antitrust)
  • European law
  • Intellectual property law
  • International commercial law and international commercial contracts
  • Labour law
Year of birth







Participant of the research projects focused on ethics in business, legal rules, ethics among self-governments and MPs, SMEs development, cooperation between business and academia, commercialization of R&D results; co-author of the reports on: High Quality Jobs, Building Fair Legislation Practices, Employment Fair Play, Legal Culture of the Polish Businessman, Principles of the Business Ethical Responsibility, Political Culture of the Polish Democracy, Private Sector Strategies for Fighting Corruption in Poland, Cooperation of NGOs with Local Self-government, Polish Businessmen’ Opinions on Corruption, Deregulation of the Licensing System in Poland, Public Procurement on the Local Level, Development of Construction Firms in Market Economy in Poland. Construction Enterprises Case Studies (with others – over 30 reports),

Research skills. Analytic skills, presentation, summarizing, report editing, evaluation of survey research, elaboration and edition of case studies, creating of business and project plans (activities, budget, SWOT analyses)

Comparative analysis of “high quality professions” development areas in Polish and European regions

Building “Code of Fair Legislation Practices” – co-author of code for policy makers and legislators how to make law; co-author of analyses of legislation influence on Polish businesses

Comparative studies on European legislation (local and regional) according to the participative democracy standards (advocacy, cooperation, consultation)

Building “Employment Fair Play” standards within EU program EQUAL. Co-author of Human Resources Management standards (co-author of 15 processes regulating employer – employee relations with instruction how to introduce these processes). Author of i.e. Human Resources Development Standard within the coaching and mentoring system.

Lobbying and Advocacy (co-author of the reports on business ethics, labour law, social security, procurement law, taxes, licensing. Reports present the evaluation of existing and policy recommendations. Evaluation of the pending legislation from the point of view of the SMEs).

Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility – co-author of analyses of economic benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility using in Polish businesses

PR and journalistic internship (Polish Radio, Polish Public Television (TVP), TV Information Agency (TAI), “PROFILE – PR, communication & research agency” and Information Centre of Chancellery of The Prime Minister).

Promotion of ethics and fair approach towards businesses among municipalities. Participation at execution of the project “Community Fair Play” launched in 2001 and focused on setting ethical standards  at  municipalities and proper organization of  public services necessary for investor and business community.

Promotion of business ethic within “Business Fair Play” project – promotional and research project concerning Corporate Social Responsibility and promotion of business culture in Poland.

Promotion of equal employment within the “Employment Fair Play” project i.a. older employees equal employment opportunities.

Creating of advertising campaign. Practice in political marketing. (Coordination of municipal elections campaign in podlaskie voivodeship; electoral staff in parliament election campaign).


Co-author, European education package for social enterprises. User Manual and @ESEN Syllabus, 2022

Co-author, “Corporate social responsibility in the century of Poland’s independence. The contribution of ethical enterprises to strengthening Polish economic sovereignty”, 2018

Co-author, Support for democratic and market values. Country Report – Poland, Warsaw, 2016

Co-author, Practical application of the model of cooperation between local government units and local government organizations. Report summarizing the implementation of the model in seven local government units, Warsaw 2015

Co-author, Report: Best practices in developing a human resource management strategy, including age management and mentoring based on the “Fair Play Employment” standard Współautorka, Raport: Najlepsze praktyki z opracowania strategii zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi z uwzględnieniem zarządzania wiekiem i mentoringu w oparciu o standard „Zatrudnienie Fair Play”, Warsaw 2015

Co-author, Quality work in the green labor market, Warsaw 2014

Co-author, Standards of Social Consultation in Mszczonów Współautorka, Warsaw 2014


Co-author, Strategy for the Development of Green Economy and Green Labor Market in Wielkopolska, Warsaw 2014

Co-author, Manual “Fair Play Employment Standard. Responsible human resource management, including age management., Warsaw 2013

Co-author, Become a Mentor Handbook, Warsaw 2013

Co-author, “Good practices in age and human resources management with particular emphasis on employees aged 50+”, Warsaw 2013

Co-author, Gaps and barriers in the process of initiating, planning and implementing R&D projects in the province of along with implementation recommendations for overcoming tchem, Warsaw 2012

Co-author, Good practices of cooperation between universities and business Współautorka, Warsaw 2011

Co-author,Freedom of economic activity in Poland. The Best Practices, IPED, Warsaw 2011

Co-author, Good governance through social contribution. The best practices for consultation with NGOs. Recommendations for Poland, IPED, Warsaw 2011

Co-author, Business models of companies established on the basis of Universities, IPED, Warsaw 2011

Co-author, High Quality Work. Mechanisms, instruments and solutions for increasing the number of well-paid jobs in the Silesia Region, IPED, Warsaw 2010

Co-author, Exporter with IP Guide for SMEs, Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza, Warsaw 2010

Co-author, Business models of development of spin off on the foundation of higher education, IPED, Warsaw 2010

Bąk, P. Kulawczuk, A. Szcześniak (ed.), High Quality Work. Mechanisms, instruments and solutions for increasing the number of well-paid jobs in the Mazovia Region, IPED, Warsaw 2010

Co-author, Regional monitoring of economic activity freedom in Poland, IPED, Warsaw 2010

Co-author, Expectations of entrepreneurs to the Research Report, IPED, Warsaw 2010

Co-author, The conditions for effective cooperation between science and business, IPED, Warsaw 2009

Co-author, Intellectual and technological Entrepreneurship in the 21st century, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw 2009

Co-author, The practical usefulness of R&D. Designing and conducting research in collaboration with the economy, IPED, Warsaw 2009

Co-author, Intergenerational transfer of knowledge in Polish companies – mentoring and e-learning, Warsaw 2009

Co-author, Polish entrepreneurs against Anticorruption mechanisms in business practice, IPED, Warsaw 2008

Co-author, Electronic self-government communication. Innovative tools of social advocacy, IPED, Warsaw 2008

Bednarz, P. Kulawczuk, “Local e-communication. ICT in local and regional advocacy”, IPED, Warsaw, 2008

Bąk, P. Bednarz et al., Corporate Social Responsibility In SME, IPED, Warsaw, 2008

Bąk, P. Bednarz et al., Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and business ethics on corporate management, IPED, Gdańsk, 2007

Bąk, P. Bednarz, P. Kulawczuk, A. Szcześniak (…), „Employment Fair Play” Standard, Responsible human resources management, IPED, Warsaw, 2007

Bąk, P. Bednarz, P. Kulawczuk, A. Szcześniak (…), “Local legislation monitoring. Monitoring of local and regional legislation by stakeholders”, Warsaw, 2007

Bąk, P. Bednarz, P. Kulawczuk, A. Szcześniak (…),“Advocacy on local and regional level. Best practice, values and rules of local and regional policy consultation”, Warszawa, 2007

Bąk, P. Bednarz, P. Kulawczuk, A. Szcześniak, Code of Fair Legislative Practices, IPED, Warsaw, 2007

Bąk, P. Bednarz, A. Kulawczuk, P. Kulawczuk, A. Poszewiecki, A. Szcześniak, Fair Economic Legislation Practices. International experiences and possibility of adaptation it to the Polish conditions, IPED, Warsaw, 2007

Bąk, P. Bednarz, P. Kulawczuk, R. Rataj, A. Szcześniak, P. Zając, Analyze of economic benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility using in Polish businesses, IPED, Warsaw, 2006