Jacek Walczykowski
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Jacek Walczykowski
Professional titleslegal advisor
Languages- English
- Russian
- Polish
- Advertising and media law
- Business law
- Civil law and civil contracts
- Commercial law and commercial contracts
- Construction law
- Energy law and raw materials
- Intellectual property law
- International investment arbitration
- Investment projects
- Sports law
- Telecommunications and IT law
- Transport law
CareerLegal Adviser since 1985,
1992-2004 have been Vice-President of ELEKTRIM SA, President of PKN ORLEN SA, Vice-President of NAFTA POLSKA SA, President ELEKTRIM TELEKOMUNIKACJA sp.z o.o.,e.t.c
Chairman and Member of the Supervisory Boards of many large Polish companies: ORLEN SA, NAFTOBAZA sp.z o.o. TELE-FONIKA SA, GIEŁDA ENERGII SA, ELEKTRIM CABLES SA, PAK SA, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa GSM sp.z o.o. MOSTOSTAL Warszawa SA, e.t.c
1999- 2005 Vice-President of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw,
Vice-President of the Tribunal at the Polish Automobile and Motorcycle Association since 2013,
Since 2017 CEO of Theatrum Gedanense Fundation ( 1999-2017 Member of the Supervisory Board).