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The Young Arbitration Forum and the Clifford Chance law office cordially invite everyone interested in the subject of arbitration to participate in the meeting of the “Young Arbitration Speaks …” series. The theme of the breakfast meeting...

W czwartek 13 grudnia 2018 r. o godz. 18.00, w biurze kancelarii White & Case odbyło się kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Młody Arbitraż Mówi…” pod hasłem: „Procedura przyspieszona – z czym to się je?”. Spotkanie rozpoczęła Agnieszka...

Spring meeting of the series “Young Arbitration Says …” on March 6, 2018 under the slogan: “The role of the Secretary in international arbitration – practical aspects and everything that you were afraid to ask” On...

Autumn Meeting of the Arbitration Youth Forum – November 15, 2017 at 17:00 Arbitration in various sectors of the economy. The specificity of arbitration in the pharmaceutical sector. During the next event from the Autumn Meetings cycle as part of...

10 Dec 2018

Conference “Young arbitration” – 21/03/2017 Exclusion of the arbitrator It is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to the next edition of the “Young Arbitration” conference, which will take place on March...

Young Arbitration Forum Autumn Meeting – 20.10.2016 Post-arbitral award proceedings: Planning and practice considerations. It is our great pleasure to invite you to another edition of the Autumn Meeting – Young Arbitration Forum – “Post-arbitral...