Andrzej Krysiuk

Name and surname
Andrzej Krysiuk
Degreemaster of laws
Professional titleslawyer, legal advisor
Languages- Polish
- Russian
- Administrative law
- Business law
- Commercial law and commercial contracts
- Construction law
- Labour law
- Tax law
Careergraduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University 1979 / Law School/, postgraduated studies in Tax Law also at Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University. 1979 begun Judicial application, 1981 passed Judicial examination and was nominated Assessor Judge, Judge at the District court in Kutno and Płock remaining at this function untill 1987 that year joned membership of Legal Advisor Bar Association and Attorney Advocate Bar Association. Since 1987 active Legal Advisor member of the Legal Advisor Bar Association Presidents Board in III IV V cadency.