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Andrzej Kidyba

Andrzej Kidyba
Name and surname

Andrzej Kidyba

Prof. Dr. habilitated
Professional titles
Legal advisor


  • English
  • German
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Banking law
  • Business law
  • Commercial law and commercial contracts
  • Construction law
  • International arbitration
  • International commercial law and international commercial contracts
  • Investment arbitration
Year of birth







Prof. ANDRZEJ KIDYBA, PhD – specialist in commercial and civil law. In the years 2006-2018, Head of the Department of Commercial and Trade Law at Maria Curie-SkÅ‚odowska University (UMCS); 1999-2005, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration at UMCS in Lublin. Author or co-author of over 350 scientific publications. Author of numerous legal opinions commissioned by authorities and central offices (including the Polish Parliament) and economic practice.
Expert of Parliamentary Commissions, including the Extraordinary Commission for changes in codifications. Reviewer of the Commercial Companies Code for the Polish Parliament of the Republic of Poland (2000). Co-author of a number of acts and a project of amendments to the Commercial Companies Code (2002). Member of the Team for the development of the draft Law on Freedom of Economic Activity (2003), Member of the Team for the development of the draft Law on Entrepreneurs (2016-2018). Member of the Team for amendment of the provisions of the Act – Commercial Companies Code, acting under the Minister of Justice (2018-2020).
For the study “Commercial Companies Code. Commentary vol. I-II” he was awarded the Lublin Scientific Award, known as the Lublin Nobel Prize (2004). He obtained the 17th place in the ranking of “50 most influential lawyers” of 2015, prepared by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Repeatedly awarded for special merits for the development of the Lublin Voivodeship and the City of Lublin.
Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lublin (since 2007).
Chairman of the Disciplinary Court of First and Second Instance at the Union of Employers of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA (2012-2018).
Arbitrator of numerous Ad Hoc arbitration courts in Poland and abroad: Arbitrator at the Arbitration Court of the National Chamber of Commerce (since 1999), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at the Polish Bank Association (since 2005), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at the National Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan (since 2005), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at the Financial Supervision Authority (2008-2017), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC) (since 2004), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Centre of the Federal Chambers of Commerce in Vienna (since 2004), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce in Zurich (since 2009), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) (since 2011).


Author, co-author and editor of over 350 publications, including: ca. 140 book studies, over 180 scientific articles and parts of collective works, 11 reviews and 9 glosses. Books authored, co-authored or edited by him have been published in more than 100 editions. Author of nearly 150 columns on legal issues, published in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. The most important publications include:. “Limited liability company. Commentary”; “Commercial Companies Code Vol. I and II”; “Commercial Companies Code. Explanations”; “Commercial Law” – academic textbook; “Civil Code. Commentary” – editor and co-author; monographs: “Legal status of a limited partner”; “Atypical commercial companies”; “Legal persons’ bodies of authority”.