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Marek Gajek

Marek Gajek
Name and surname

Marek Gajek

master of laws
Professional titles


  • English
  • Polish
  • Business law
  • Civil law and civil contracts
  • Commercial law and commercial contracts
  • Company law
  • Construction law
  • Distribution agreements and franchising
  • Insurance law and liability for damages
  • Intellectual property law
  • Investment arbitration
  • Investment projects
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • New technologies
  • Real estate
  • Securities
  • Telecommunications and IT law
Year of birth







1990-1991 Ministry of Ownership Transformations – Securities Department

1991 – 1992 Bankowy Dom Maklerski Powszechnej Kasy Oszczędności b.p. – Head of Inspection and Supervision Team

1992-1994 Ministry of Ownership Transformations – Securities Department, and then since the establishment of the Securities Commission – Inspection Office

1994-1998 Law Office “Gajek, Sozański & Partners” sp. z o.o.

1997-1998 advisor to the Minister of the State Treasury on civil, commercial and securities law

1998-2002 partner in Smoktunowicz & Falandysz sp. k. (head of litigation department)

2002 – 2008 individual attorney’s practice

since 2008 Wojnar, Gajek & Partners – Attorneys and Legal Advisors sp.p.

since 2013 Managing Partner in the Law Office “Gajek and partners. Adwokaci i radcowie prawni. sp.k.

In addition:

1998 – 2000 member of the Supervisory Board of Zakłady Porcelany Lubiana S.A.

1999 – 2000 member of the Supervisory Board of Modina S.A.

2002 – 2007 member of the Supervisory Board of TBS Praga – Północ sp. z o.o.

since 2002 legal advisor to the Centre for Regulatory Studies of the Institute for Market Economy Research

from 2005 to 2010 deputy disciplinary ombudsman of the Regional Bar Council in Warsaw


“Bankruptcy of enterprises”, P.N.D.J. – Warsaw 1991, “Trading in rights from securities”, Palestra No. 5-6/94, Warsaw “Rights from securities”, Palestra No. 3-4/95, Warsaw “Unnecessary institution – on branch proxy”, Palestra No. 9-10/95 “Non-compliance with the agreement as a premise of the liability of the seller of consumer goods”, Legal Monitor 5/2003, “Firearms in the law.”, Warsaw 2019.

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