Pożegnanie dr. Tynela
Szanowni Państwo, Z ogromnym smutkiem przejęliśmy wiadomość o śmierci dr. Andrzeja Tynela wieloletniego arbitra i Członka Prezydium Sądu Arbitrażowego przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej w Warszawie. Rodzinie i Bliskim Zmarłego składamy...
Report of the Cross-Institutional Task Force on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings
The Cross-Institutional Task Force on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings is pleased to announce the release of its Report on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings, the eighth volume of the International Council...
Dear All, In light of the very special circumstances we are experiencing now and due to coronavirus spreading all around Europe, unfortunately we had to make a difficult decision of postponing our conference. We will come back to you soon with a new date...
Dear Sir or Madam, on behalf of the Young Arbitration Forum, we invite you to register for the conference “The Psychology of an Arbitration Hearing“. ...
The Psychology of an Arbitration Hearing
Dear Sir or Madam, We cordially invite you to participate in the SAKIG Youth Forum Arbitration conference “The Psychology of an Arbitration Hearing”, which will take place on March 20, 2020 at the Court of Arbitration. More information below. ...
Cooperation Agreement with CIETAC
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to inform you that today Mr. Mec. Maciej Jamka, Vice President of the Arbitration Council, as a representative of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce together with Mr. Wang Chengjie, Vice President...