Maria Ślązak
Maria Ślązak
Професійні званняlegal advisor
Рік народження1950
Кар'єраFounder of the Law Office, multiyear experience in comprehensive legal services for entrepreneurs, among the others for foreign investors, real estate trade, negotiations and drafting contracts. Work in law offices in Canada, Ireland and Denmark, participation in various professional conferences and seminars abroad, among the others on arbitration, mediation and ADR. Postgraduate studies on tax law, postgraduate studies on European and British law, organized by Cambridge University.
From 2017 the President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL); in years 2012 -2015 vice president and president of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), the most esteemed organization of lawyers in Europe; in the period 2013-2016 Vice President for Foreign Affairs of the Polish Bar of Attorneys-at-law; earlier member of the Board responsible for foreign affairs of the Bar and the representative in international organizations.
Honored for her professional achievements with numerous awards in Poland and abroad, among the others twice with prestigious Golden Paragraph and the award of the President of Austria in recognition of her services for European Lawyers.