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Justyna Szpara

Justyna Szpara
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Justyna Szpara

Професійні звання
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Honorary Board Member of International Association of Young Lawyers – AIJA; member of the Arbitration Commission of the Polish Bar Council; Board Member of Polish Arbitration Association since 2009. Listed by the largest Polish permanent arbitration courts. Managing partner of Łaszczuk & Partners law firm, with which she has been working since 1999.


The Arbitration Rules of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Commentary [Original title: Regulamin Arbitrażowy Sądu Arbitrażowego przy KIG. Komentarz], M. Łaszczuk, A. Szumański (ed.), Warsaw 2017 [§ 6(2); § 20-23; § 43-47]; Post-Arbitration Proceedings (co-author: Maciej Łaszczuk) [in:] A. Szumański (ed.), The System of Commercial Law. Commercial Arbitration. Volume 8, Chapter 12 [System Prawa Handlowego. Arbitraż handlowy. Tom 8, Rozdział 12], Warsaw, edition I 2009, edition II 2015; How Is an Insurer Bound by an Arbitration Clause Made by the Insured? [in:] M. Łaszczuk et al., Arbitration and Mediation. A Commemorative Volume Dedicated to Dr Andrzej Tynel [Original tilte: Arbitraż i mediacja. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana doktorowi Andrzejowi Tynelowi], Warsaw 2012; Is the Parties’ Freedom to Establish the Rules of Procedure before the Arbitration Court Limited in Time? (co-author: Maciej Łaszczuk), [in:] J. Okolski et al., A Commemorative Volume for 60 years of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw [Original title: Księga pamiątkowa 60-lecia Sądu Arbitrażowego przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej w Warszawie], Warsaw 2010; Invalidity of Arbitration Clause for Disputes under European Union Law: Ruling of the English High Court in Accentuate v Asigra, e-Przegląd Arbitrażowy No. 1 (spring) 2010; Place where the Award Was Made and Place of Arbitration (in the Context of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards) [Original title: Miejsce wydania wyroku a miejsce arbitrażu (w kontekście uznawania i wykonywania zagranicznych orzeczeń arbitrażowych] ADR. Arbitration and Mediation 2009, no. 2 (6), 2009; Comments on the Scope of Assistance Provided to the Arbitration Court by the State Court Pursuant to Article 1192 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure, (co-author: Maciej Łaszczuk), Palestra, No. 9-10, 2008.

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