Schroeder Catherine
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Catherine Schroeder
Професійні званняLawyer
Рік народження1978
Кар'єраSince January 2021- Independent counsel and arbitrator at Schroeder Arbitration
2017-2020: counsel at Derains & Gharavi
2009-2016: associate at Derains & Gharavi
2005-2008: associate at Derains & Associés
COVID 19: What impact on Arbitrators, ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin, 2020, Issue 3
The Practice of Expertise in International Arbitration, Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage-The Paris Journal of International Arbitration 2016-2
Institutions d’arbitrage et responsabilité, co-written with Yves Derains, Note under Paris Court of Appeals, 1e Ch C 22 January 2009, Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage-The Paris Journal of International Arbitration 2010-1