Tomasz Działyński
Name and surname Publications WWW webpage
Tomasz Działyński
Degreemaster of laws
Professional titlesattorney at law [Polish: radca prawny]
Languages- English
- Polish
- Russian
- Administrative law
- Business law
- Civil law and civil contracts
- Commercial law and commercial contracts
- Company law
- Construction law
- Insurance law and liability for damages
- Real estate
- Transport law
CareerArbitrator of the PAG, legal counsel since 1987, entrepreneur since 1990, economic self-government activist since 1992, vice-president of WIPH in Poznań, president of the Employer of the Republic of Poland in Wielkopolska, president of the Sejmik Gospodarczy Województwa Wielkopolskiego, activist of the professional self-government of legal advisers, spokesman of the OIRP, own law firm legal advisor.
Since 1997 he has been a columnist for the ECHO magazine published by WIPH, since 2010 a permanent columnist for the Radca Prawny magazine.