Ryszard Kalisz

Name and surname WWW webpage
Ryszard Kalisz
Degreemaster of laws
Professional titlesattorney at law [Polish: adwokat]
Languages- English
- German
- Polish
- Russian
- Administrative law
- Advertising and media law
- Banking law
- Business law
- Capital markets and stock exchange
- Civil law and civil contracts
- Commercial law and commercial contracts
- Company law
- Competition law (antitrust)
- Construction law
- Criminal law - economic
- Distribution agreements and franchising
- Energy law and raw materials
- Environmental protection law
- European law
- Infrastructure projects
- Insurance law and liability for damages
- Intellectual property law
- International arbitration
- International commercial law and international commercial contracts
- International investment arbitration
- Investment arbitration
- Investment projects
- Labour law
- Maritime law
- Mergers and acquisitions
- New technologies
- Pharmaceutical law
- Real estate
- Risk management
- Securities
- Sports law
- Tax law
- Telecommunications and IT law
- Transport law
Careerattorney at law [Polish: adwokat] (profession practiced in 1987-1997), Vice-President of the Tribunal of State, acting head of the Chancellery of the President of Poland, Minister of the Interior and Administration, member of the 4th and 5th term Sejm