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Marek Puwalski

Marek Puwalski
Name and surname

Marek Puwalski

Master of Laws
Professional titles
Attorney-at-law, LL.M. (Universidade Catolica International Commercial Law), FCIArb (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators)


  • English
  • Portuguese
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • International arbitration
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Telecommunications and IT law
Year of birth







Education and career:

Marek Puwalski holds a master of laws degree from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (with Distinction, 1st Rank Class of 2003, 2nd best Master Thesis), a master degree in international relations from Jagiellonian University, and Legum Magister (LL.M.) in International Business and Commercial Law from Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon (1st Rank Class of 2008, Bank Millennium bcp scholarship).
Additionally he has completed English and European Law Continuing Education Studies at University of Cambridge (with Distinction, 1st Rank in Central and Eastern Europe, Class of 2003) and Harvard Business School M&A Executive Program (Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy, Execution and Post-Merger Management, 2018).
Since 2008 Marek Puwalski has been exercising his profession as the founding partner of Puwalscy & Partners LLP Attorneys-at-Law, a boutique law firm based in Cracow and of Counsel at Maruta Wachta LLP based in Warsaw (2020-2023).

Experience in Arbitration and other Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR):
• Active arbitrator on the roster the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce (SAKIG) and at the Arbitration Court at the Confederation of Lewiatan, adjudicating pending arbitrations (acting as a presiding arbitrator as well).
• Leading counsel in several significant arbitration proceedings with seat in Warsaw, in particular at the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce (SAKIG), at the Arbitration Court at the Confederation of Lewiatan and in ad hoc proceedings under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
• Leading counsel in international commercial arbitrations under the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration (Swiss Rules), the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the ICC Arbitration Rules, including arbitrations with seat in Geneva and Vienna.
• Counsel in post-arbitration proceedings argued in front of Polish Appellate Courts and the Polish Supreme Court.
• Active mediator (with particular focus on IT, construction and commercial disputes).
• Chair/Member of adjudication boards under FIDIC contracts.

• Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) in London.

• Member of International Bar Association (Corporate and M&A Law Committee, International Construction Projects Committee and Arbitration Committee.• Included on the list of arbitrators of Lewiatan Arbitration Court in Warsaw and list of arbitrators of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cracow.• Representative of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Cracow.

• Representative of the Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Cracow.• Lecturer of International Commercial Law at Cracow Chamber of Legal Advisors (2013-2015).

• Member of the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisers in Cracow.


Marek Puwalski, 2003, “The Right of Public Persons to Privacy”

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